I like a sharp knife. If I want to cut something I do not want to be using a dull knife. I’ve always heard a dull knife will hurt you. So I try to make sure my knives stay sharp. We too have to be sharpened.
Proverbs 27:17 KJV Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Have you ever really thought about this? Comparing the actual making and sharpening process of a blade. In the making of a blade there are many steps. The short version is. Heat it until it’s pliable. Shape it, which includes hitting it with a hammer. Sand it to make it smooth. Reheat it and dip in oil. This process is known as quenching and it hardens the steel to strengthen your sword. Slowly reheat it. This will relax the brittleness and stress induced by the quenching process. Then sharpen again with a fine file and whetstone. Again this is the short version of all the steps. We could really go in depth with this.
As I stated earlier we must be sharpened. We go through the fiery trials that test us. This fire often makes us pliable to be shaped easier. Then WAM we’re hit by something or someone. Something happens that catches us off guard and seems like the blow from a hammer. Sometimes the something is someone that just said the wrong thing at the wrong time. They just made a snide, mean, rude remark. Be it a stranger or a friend the remark hit and it hurt. What it does though is help shape us into what God wants, if we let it. Then there’s sanding. Little things that smooth us out. You know the little things that reveal something in you that you didn’t know was there. Like you drop something 3 times and realize that you have anger that you didn’t know was there. Somebody says something hurtful and emotions come to the surface that you were unaware of. Then another trial arises, maybe the fire isn’t as hot this time but still the fire is there. Then the oil of the Spirit, the Holy Ghost, helps you and gives you strength. This strengthens you to face whatever battles you may face. Then the fire of the Holy Ghost begins to burn within you he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:(Matthew 3:11 KJV). This will fix the weakness and stressfulness that you endured. Then you’re sharpened again. Running into situations and people that sharpen you.
Remember iron sharpens iron by friction. We read earlier Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance or character of his friend. So when you encounter friction with someone, know that this is the sharpening process. If they are used in sharpening your character, if they make you more like Jesus then they are your friend. Even if they aren’t friendly they may help sharpen you. This makes them a friend in this aspect.
So let God sharpen you with the people and situations around you. Let Him complete the work in you that He wants and be patient in the sharpening.
1 Peter 4:12 NHEB Beloved, do not be astonished at the fiery trial which has come upon you, to test you, as though a strange thing happened to you.
As a final comment. Jesus loves you just the way that you are, but He loves you too much to leave you that way.
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