The Mandela Effect

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Have you ever heard of the Mandela effect?

The Mandela effect is a phenomenon where large groups of people share false memories of events or details. Here are some examples. Many people remember the Monopoly Man wearing a monocle (a circular lense worn over one eye), but he actually doesn’t. Many people misremember Darth Vader saying “Luke, I am your father” in Star Wars: Episode V—The Empire Strikes Back, but he actually says “No, I am your father.” Many people remember the bears’ family name as “Berenstein”, but it’s actually “Berenstain”. Many people remember Curious George having a tail, but he doesn’t. Many people remember Mickey Mouse wearing suspenders, but he actually wears red shorts. Tony the Tiger has a blue nose, not black. Many people remember the famous Frosted Flakes mascot with a black nose, probably because of the color of his stripes. People swear there was a “Jiffy” peanut butter back in the day, but it has always been Jif. There are many more examples. I also know you’re probably fixing to start researching these because you remember some of them.

You see there are things that we remember a certain way. At some point in our lives we picked up a false belief of what was actually true and now we believe it to be true. If what we believe is true is challenged, we have two choices. We can ignore it or we can research and see if we are actually right or wrong. There are things like this in the Bible. Like Eve eating an apple. The Bible never says that it was an apple only a fruit. The 3 wise men. The Bible never says there were 3 wise men. It says there were wise men. They gave 3 gifts which is wear I think people get the idea of there being 3 wise men. The one that causes some to get upset is when I present to them that Jesus didn’t receive 39 stripes. Hold on before you get too upset. Let’s look at the scriptures. This thought comes from Deuteronomy 25:3 ISV But he must not be beaten more than 40 lashes, because if he receives more than 40 lashes, your brother will be humiliated in your eyes.This was Jewish law that they would only give someone 39 lashes.

We see the point made with Paul. 2 Corinthians 11:24 WEB Five times I received forty stripes minus one from the Jews. So we see where the thought comes from, but there is a flaw in the equation. The Jews did not beat Jesus. The Romans did and they had no such rule or law.

Isaiah 52:14 NET (just as many were horrified by the sight of you) he was so disfigured he no longer looked like a man.

We see in Isaiah the prophecy that Jesus was beaten beyond the recognition of a man. It’s hard for me to believe this was accomplished with 39 stripes. Remember Paul received 39 stripes 5 times. Now is this a heaven or hell issue? No! Whether you believe that Jesus received 39 stripes or more is not going to determine your salvation. I’m just making a point. If it’s not a heaven or hell issue then it doesn’t matter that much. What if it is though? Heaven is too great a thing to miss because we weren’t willing to research something that we’ve always believed. If someone challenges something that you’ve just always thought to be true, but really never did the research then look into it. Now obviously if it’s something we know to be true, we don’t entertain false doctrine. Something that would lead us away from Jesus we don’t listen to. If it might actually lead us to a deeper walk with Jesus then by all means we should look into it. Remember Jesus challenged everything the Jews knew at that the time. Let’s always be open to deeper understanding and deeper revelation of God.

2 Peter 1:10 KJV Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:

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