I was told a story about 2 coworkers and a job that I had once. We will call them Chris and Sam for this story. It was said that Chris was a big man, but gentle and kind. Chris was unpacking his lunch and as a nice gesture offered Sam, who was sitting at the table with him an apple. Sam aggressively grabs the apple and says, “If I wanted that apple I’d take it.” Before he could withdraw his hand Chris with lightning fast reflexes had grabbed Sam tightly by the wrist. Chris then said with deep seriousness in his voice, “Put the apple down!” Sam, who had lost all sense of aggression at this point, replied with a trembling in his voice, “I’m trying.” Apparently Chris was holding Sam’s wrist so tightly that he couldn’t open his hand. You see Chris, being a giver, was just trying to be nice and give something freely. Sam on the other hand was just a taker.
We’ve all most likely known someone that was a taker. They were always wanting something given to them. It’s like they only have their hands out to take and hardly ever to give. If they do give, they do it with the intention of getting something in return. They can get so accustomed to taking that like Sam in this story their hands get in the closed position, where they don’t have the ability within themselves to turn loose of anything in order to give. We as Christians are not supposed to be takers. We are givers. It is our duty to be givers. Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. (Act 20:35 KJV)
Yes, we may receive blessings as well and that’s okay, but we don’t give to receive. No, we give to be a blessing.
Most of us also know givers, those that pour themselves out for others. Not just money of course, because time, compassion, a meal, a listening ear are all among the many things that we can give. I’ve seen people, even when they are walking through trials themselves, give of themselves to lift up someone else. Jesus on the Cross showed compassion to the thief beside Him. Shouldn’t we also practice giving of ourselves to help others, pouring into them? It says in Isaiah 58:10-11 ISV 10 if you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the needs of afflicted souls, then your light will rise in darkness, and your night will be like noonday. 11 And the LORD will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in parched places, and they will strengthen your bones; and you’ll be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters never fail.
If we do this, if we pour into others, Jesus will pour into us. He will not let us run dry even in the dry times of life. In that season that seems like a desert you’ll have life giving water to quench the thirst of a parched soul.
Let us never be accused of being takers, but rather found guilty of being givers.
2 Corinthians 9:7 NHEB Each person should give according as he has determined in his heart; not grudgingly, or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver.
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