One Christmas season our church had a bunch of poinsettias set out for decoration. No one had officially been appointed the “waterer of the plants” so a few people took it upon themselves to do so. Although it was commendable that folks, without being asked, had volunteered to help. It actually created a problem. You see these poinsettias were in individual pots. So when multiple people gave them water, they unfortunately gave them too much. Thus they began to die prematurely. Now had these all been connected in a larger setting. Like if they were in a garden they could have shared the water intake. Especially if they were with different types of plants that may require more water.
We as these plants can find ourselves going to the house of God to be filled. Then going home and just retaining what has been poured into us for ourselves. This will cause root rot in our lives and harm us instead of help us. We are not meant to just keep things to ourselves, but rather to share them with others. It says in Hebrews 13:16 WEB But don’t forget to be doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. We must share with others so that they too may grow.
You must be connected with others. One of the worst things that you can do if you are depressed is be alone. Often that’s what people want to do when they withdraw from everyone. This will cause you to fall further into depression. Find someone to connect with.
Have you ever heard this? If you’re feeling down and hopeless the best way to overcome it is to help someone else. This is a very true statement. The hope that you need has most likely already been poured into you. Many people have probably poured into you to help you. If you begin to pour into others, sharing the very thing you need. It will help you to flourish. It won’t dry you out, but rather keep you from drowning. So then, encourage one another and build each other up, as you are doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:11 ISV)
Pro 11:25 NET A generous person will be enriched, and the one who provides water for others will himself be satisfied.
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