Aggressive mimicry is a type of communication where a predator indirectly manipulates the behavior of its prey. The predator conceals its true identity and sits and waits for the prey to come to it.
Some predators use aggressive mimicry in a way that the predator resembles a nonthreatening third party. Like the American zone-tailed hawk, whose resemblance to certain nonaggressive vultures enables it to launch surprise attacks against small animals. In other examples, the aggressor may even mimic the prey of its intended prey. Anglerfish, for example, possess a small, mobile, wormlike organ that can be waved on a slender rod in front of other fish; lured in by this organ, which they mistake for their own natural prey, smaller fish are then eaten by the anglerfish.
The devil himself disguises himself to seem like something good. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 NET 13 For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is not surprising his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will correspond to their actions.
The devil is not going to come tempting you with horns and a pitchfork. No he’s going to come disguised as something nonthreatening. It could even look like a blessing. That blessing could have a hook in it. It could be a new job, new relationship, a new friendship or just about anything. The old phrase, “All that glitters is not gold,” is true. He will tempt you and get you to walk right into a trap. This is why we must stay in prayer asking God to guide us that we not fall prey to satans traps. Psalm 141:8-9 ISV 8 Nevertheless, my eyes are on you, Lord GOD, as I seek protection in you. Don’t leave me defenseless! 9 Protect me from the trap laid for me and from the snares of those who practice evil.
We must stay attentive and sensitive to God. As it says even the devils servants disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Just because they quote scripture doesn’t mean that they are following God. The devil quoted scripture to Jesus. Matthew 7:15 KJV Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Always be watchful and pray so that you don’t fall into the devils traps.
1 Peter 5:8-9 NHEB 8 Be sober and self-controlled. Be watchful. Your adversary the devil, walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Withstand him steadfast in your faith, knowing that your brothers who are in the world are undergoing the same sufferings.
Matthew 26:41 NHEB Watch and pray, that you do not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”